Articles of Interest
"Hope, Health and Healing" an article by Barbara Smith. This article appears in the Summer 2005 issue of the Government, Law and Policy Journal, [Vol. 7, No. 1], a publication of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Attorneys in Public Service, produced in cooperation with the Government Law Center at Albany Law School.
"Going Up River: Lawyer Discipline, Lawyer Assistance and The Legal Profession's Response to Lawyer Addiction". This article provides background and history on the development of the lawyer assistance movement in New York State and the United States, as well as information on how alcoholism (and other Lawyer Assistance issues) are addressed in professional disciplinary matters. First published by the NYSBA Committee on Attorneys in Public Service in their "Government, Law and Policy Journal" 2010, [Volume 12, No. 2].
Beck, Sales, Benjamin (1996) Lawyer distress: Alcohol-related problems and other psychological concerns among a sample of practicing lawyers. Journal of Law and Health, 10, 1-67.
Benjamin, GAH, Darling, EJ & Sales, B. (1990) The Prevalence of Depression, Alcohol Abuse and Cocaine Abuse Among United States Lawyers. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 13, 233-246. The report defined alcoholism as a “chronic, progressive and fatal disease that will cause problems in the major areas of ones’ life such as health, employment and relationships.”
Benjamin, Kazniak, Sales & Shanfield (1986). The role of legal education in producing psychological distress among law students and lawyers. American Bar Foundation Research Journal, 225-252.
Reddy, B & Woodruff, R. (1992) Helping the Alcoholic Colleague. The Professional Lawyer, 3(2)
Bloom, MA & Wallinger, CL. (1988). Lawyers and Alcoholism: Is it time for a new approach? Temple Law Review, 61, 1409.
Association of American Law Schools. (1994). Report of the AALS Sp[ecial Committee on Problems of Substance Abuse in Law Schools. Journal of Legal Education, 44, 35. The AALS Report defines substance abuse as “the use of a substance in a manner that produces impairment or the likelihood of impairment. Characteristically, the substance use is continued despite interference with at least one of the following: job, marriage, family, interpersonal relationships, legal rights, or health.”
Locke, Susan S. (1995-96) Lawyer Distress: A Comment. Journal of Law and Health, 10, 87.
Krieger, Lawrence S., Introduction, Part One and Part Two of: What We’re Not Telling Law Students – and Lawyers – That They Really Need to Know: Some Thoughts-in-Action Towards Revitalizing the Profession from its Roots, 13 J.L. and Health 1 (1998-9).
Riskin, Leonard, The Contemplative Lawyer, 7 Harv. Negot. L. Rev 1 (2002)
Schlitz, Patrick J. On Being A Happy, Healthy, and Ethical Member of an Unhappy, Unhealthy, and Unethical Profession, 52 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 871 (1999).
Bumps In the Road: GPSOLO, vol. 18, number 5, July/August 2001: Barnett, Martha. Integrating Treatment into the Justice System; Sweeney, M., Chadwick, M.C. Twenty Questions for Problem Drinkers; Waldhauser, Carol. Identifying Addiction; Cohen, M. Bumps in the Road; Rose, J. Repairing Lawyers at Risk; McCleary, S. Protecting Your Personal Relationships; Jones, N. The Dangerous Link Between Chronic Office Chaos, Stress, Depression and Substance Abuse; Knaak, F. Managing an Impaired Lawyer’s Practice and Files During Recovery; Greiner, M. Demystifying 12-Step Programs; Muccigrosso, D, Spilis, D. Getting On with It: Recovery Success Stories
Books of Interest
Alcoholics Anonymous. 1939. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions. 1981 Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Coombs, Robert Holman. Drug Impaired Professionals: How physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, attorneys, and airline pilots get into and out of addiction. 1997 Harvard University Press.
Elwork, A. Stress Management for Lawyers. 1997 The Vorkell Group.
Hartigan, Francis. Bill W. A Biography of Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson, 2000, Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s Press.
Kaufman, George W. The Lawyer’s Guide to Balancing Life and Work: Taking The Stress Out of Success, 1999 American Bar Association.
Keeva, Steven. Transforming Practices: Finding Joy and Satisfaction in the Legal Life. 1999 American Bar Association.
Keetchum, K., Milam, J. Under the Influence. 1981 Madrona Publishers
Sells, B. The Soul of the Law. 2002 Vega Books.